Wednesday, November 5, 2008

October 2008 (crocs newsletter)

[Editor's note. The original newsletter had pictures of 8 pairs of crocs beside each of the 8 members of the family, each in their own colour. By order of age (not order of newsletter) the crocs are dark blue, purple, acqua blue, black, orange, dark pink, light purple, light pink]

Some read tea leaves, others decipher handwriting. I wonder what insights you can derive from people's shoes?

Judy's shoes are wearing thin in the sole these days, as she walks – wait for it – 12 kilometers a night! That's what I call putting your best foot forward. I hope it's not putting my foot in it to reveal that Judy's motivation is weight loss. When months of toe-ing the line of the weight-watcher's 20-point diet failed to get Judy snuggly into a narrower fit, Judy took to exercising. Big time. 2 hours walking a day and two hours swimming twice or three times a week. As she walks Judy listens to her favourite music - Elton John and The Carpenters, (her husband prefers Shoebert).

Ari (20), the soldier, is treading new territory as he approaches the end of his tank commander course and promises to become the first Isaacs with military stripes. The family is agreed that Ari chose the nicest shade of Crocs. Ari's crocs lie mostly unused, although his army boots make tracks aplenty, often at a rapid pace as the army bashes him into robust health.

After completing bagrut Elon's (18) next step was to follow in his brother's footsteps in attending a pre-army "torani" academy situated in Maale Ephraim. Eloni steps out the academy a few times a week to lace up his basketball shoes having achieved the marvelous feet of being accepted to a local basketball team which plays in Israel's B league. Elon is a great shoe-ter. Matches begin after Succot. We'll update you on his progress.

Naftali (15) is an "orange" "na'ar gevaot". He has the long curly locks, an ear-to-ear kipa and tsitsit that would brush the floor were he not so tall. Although politics is forbidden in newsletters, the croc colour is politically correct (if not the opinions). Naftali takes pride in sporting the most tattered and torn Crocs in the family.

Orli (13) is, as you know, like all Isaacs girls, in the pink. I don’t want to be accused of blowing my daughter’s horn but Orli is walking through her studies again this year, with great results to boot. Her crocs are richly decorated with jibbitz ( – a fun and inexpensive gift, if ever you are looking to reward a child.

Abigail (6) has started first grade "on her right leg", as they say in Hebrew, and has taken her first steps in school in her stride. Her lovely teacher, the mother of a good friend of Elon, is a Yemenite. Abigail has been chanting "Adon Haselichot" all month.

Fortunately there are multiple shades in the Croc's catalog so that Elisheva (3) – with the smallest footprint - can also have a pair without throwing a pink fit. Elisheva was emotionally tied to her crocs before her sole-less kindergarten teacher, who eshoes Crocs, stamped them out of kindergarten by knot permitting slip-ons.

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